A checklist for your SharePoint intranet’s content

The effectiveness of an intranet is largely determined by the quality of its content. To evaluate an intranet’s quality, you should consider the following two criteria:

  1. Is the content tailored to its intended audience?
  2. Is the content optimised for on-screen reading?

Below is a concise checklist that content creators can use to ensure their content meets these standards.


  • Structured into related blocks, putting the most important first – the inverted pyramid
  • Paragraphs are short (less than 75 words)
  • Paragraphs use short sentences of varying length
  • Large sections of text are broken-up with headings, bullet points of numbered lists

Writing style

  • Uses plain language – jargon is avoided where possible
  • An acronym has been spelled in full the first time is it mentioned
  • Uses an active voice
  • Uses inclusive words
  • Redundant or unnecessary text has been removed
  • Avoids capitulation – especially in headings

Engaging the reader

  • Puts the audience first
  • Grabs attention in the opening paragraph
  • Diagrams of pictures have been used where appropriate
  • Call to action or further information contact is included


  • Hyperlink link text is short (no more than eight words)
  • Descriptive text is provided for links (not ‘click here’)


  • All images have alternative (alt) text
  • Images are never used instead of text